Looking holistically is what triggers me

Looking holistically is what triggers me

I am Geerte Heitkönig - Steverink, mother of two kids. Due to physical circumstances I can no longer fully perform my work as a physical therapist, at the same time this was also an opportunity to make my quiet dream come true: Children's sleep coach. This dream came about after the birth of our eldest.

As a "new" mother I was very uncertain: Am I doing it right; is she drinking enough; is she growing enough; when should she sleep; is she sleeping enough? Then I hired a baby consultant, which gave me much more peace of mind. With our second child things went differently. After an intense delivery with all the bells and whistles, a difficult time followed. He was a crybaby and I had postpartum depression. All nights were a drama. Our son was even hospitalized twice because he just wouldn't drink anymore. Anything but a pink cloud. We tried all kinds of things but nothing helped enough.

Then I thought, This must be possible in a different way.

It's nice to have someone you can ask for help and point you in the right direction.


Coaching I already did as a physical therapist and that became more and more over the years. Guiding people to the right path for them. For everyone the way is different, you have to see for each person how you can best help. I enjoy being creative and find it a challenge. The same goes for children. Every child is different. The same approach does not work for every child. That is why I chose to become a Dream Rhythm Coach®. Looking at things holistically is what triggers me. Looking at each person as an individual and finding the right solution. I also like to work towards prevention. Better to be ahead of big problems than to 'cure' them. I love to help you with all my love.

Love Geerte

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