Embracing a crying baby

Embracing a crying baby

As a parent, there is nothing more heartbreaking than hearing your baby's intense crying, especially when you feel helpless and don't know how to help. You want nothing more than to comfort and soothe your little one, but sometimes it seems like nothing works. Here are a few tips and advice if you have a crying baby.

Seek medical attention

Although crying is normal for babies, excessive crying can be a sign of an underlying medical problem such as reflux, allergies or an infection. Officially, a crying baby is a baby who cries more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks in a row. However, even if you yourself feel that your baby cries a lot and/or loudly, you may find this to be a problem. If so, consult a pediatrician to rule out or treat any medical problems.

Peace, rhythm and regularity

This may sound old-fashioned, but it is very important for your baby. It provides structure, predictability and comfort, which in turn can help soothe and comfort your little one. It's not the magic solution to all problems, but it helps provide a good foundation. While this is important for all babies, especially crying babies will benefit.

Get to know your baby

Each child is unique and has different needs and preferences. Take the time to get to know your baby, observe his signals and learn what soothes and comforts him.

Be alert to signals of overstimulation

Babies can become overwhelmed by too many stimuli. Signs of overstimulation include turning away the face, looking away or overstretching. Try calming the environment and reducing the amount of external stimuli.

Take care of yourself

Caring for a crying baby can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. Remember to take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest when possible, eating healthy and seeking support from friends, family or caregivers.

Accept help

Don't be afraid to ask for or accept help from friends, relatives or neighbors. It can be as simple as someone preparing a meal for you, doing laundry or just spending some quality time with your baby so you can take a break.

The Piko helps

We can help you with the Piko. The Piko is a low-stimulation, familiar sleep environment that you can use everywhere (in bed, in the crib, in the playpen, at grandpa/oma's, on vacation). This way, your baby will always have the same sleeping environment so that habits become ingrained and you will more easily achieve peace, rhythm and regularity. In addition, a certified sleep coach will give you appropriate advice via the Piko App, so that you can find a rhythm that suits you and your baby.

If you want more information about the PIKO, check out our PIKOsleeper- specially developed by sleep coaches.

Still have questions? Then send us a message, you will always get an answer.

Sleep well, Francien (sleep coach and founder PIKO)

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